Lucas' Poetry...You Know You Love It.

I see her across the room
Lost in her beauty
She notices my stares
Our eyes meet in a quick glimpse
In an instant I'm entranced
Her eyes had taken a hold of me
Wanting to go over to talk to her
But not knowing what to say
Flattery, a poor line, a joke?
Thoughts race through my mind
I want to know what she's thinking
I want to hear her voice
But what can I say?
What will interest her?
She's so lovely
Would she even be interested?
I make up my mind
I start to walk over to her
She sees me walking closer
I watch her eyes
Trying to find her thoughts
Is she thinking to run?
Start a conversation with someone else?
Is she excited?
I pause in mid stride
Should I go closer?
I see puzzlement in her eyes
I start towards her again
The world is playing in slow motion
I finally reach her
It comes out in a small mutter
My heart is racing
But I manage to say hello
She responds with the same
I'm joyous at the fact she responded
I hope this leap of faith
Will develop into something more...